Assessment the Usefulness, Applicability& Impact of Kisan Mobile Advisory Services (KMAS) by the Farmers in Burhanpur District of Madhya Pradesh

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  • Monika Jaiswal, Ajeet Singh ,Bhupendra Singh and Kartikey Singh


It is essentialthat information availability should be demand driven rather than supply driven. So the challenge is not only to improve the accessibility of communication technology to the rural population, but also to improve its relevance on the basis of location specific needs of the farmers. That helps in creating economic, social and political empowerment opportunities for poor people in the developing world.There are several organizations extensively using modern information technology in India to facilitate better communication between researchers, extension workers and their farmer clients to transfer technologies and information. These initiatives are focused on delivering agricultural information and transfer of technologies among the farmers. To educate the farmers related to improved agricultural technologies and need based plant protection issues, Kisan Mobile Advisory Services (KMAS) was launched for sending information through Short Message Services (SMS). This paper through a well-structured pre tested questionnaire administered for participating farmers tried to find answers to the use & application of KMAS. The study was conducted in five villages of Burhanpur district in 2016-17 where KVK, Burhanpur involved in transfer of technology through KMAS. These villages were selected purposively because more number of farmers are registered in KMAS.Result of survey showed the KMAS messages related to plant protection, perceived as most useful (82.50 %). Majority of farmers (71.67 %) perceived as messages were most useful for improving& updating the agricultural knowledge, 65.00 per cent farmers were found useful for increasing farm production. Survey regarding overall usefulness of KMAS, 51.67 per cent of farmers expressed their views that KMAS was most useful followed by 25.00 per cent as moderately useful where as 23.33 per cent of farmers indicated as less useful.






How to Cite

Monika Jaiswal, Ajeet Singh ,Bhupendra Singh and Kartikey Singh. (2018). Assessment the Usefulness, Applicability& Impact of Kisan Mobile Advisory Services (KMAS) by the Farmers in Burhanpur District of Madhya Pradesh. Indian Journal of Extension Education, 54(3), 31-36.