Perceived Needs, Accessibility and Utilization of Information on Scientific Goat Husbandry

Abstract views: 11


  • Sushil Kumar Sinha , Mahesh Chander , Braj Mohan , Deepa Singh and Anupama Jena


An ex-post-facto study was conducted to review the needs, accessibility and utilization of information on scientific goat
rearing, with a sample of 160 respondents in Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh. Information needs were assessed on three
point continuum i.e. most needed, needed and least needed for 34 aspects of goat husbandry. Accessibility of information
was assessed in terms of frequency of (yes/no) responses, while, information utilization was measured on three point
continuum viz frequently, sometimes and never. The investigation revealed that information regarding 'common goat
diseases with their preventive measures', 'vaccination', 'local market', 'banking-finance for goat farms', and 'preparation of
economic balanced ration' were perceived extremely needed. About 85 per cent of respondents reported they had no
accessibility of relevant information in all the selected sub-areas of goat farming. Not more than 20 per cent respondents
were utilizing the accessed information frequently while more than 30 per cent of them had never used the information.





How to Cite

Sushil Kumar Sinha , Mahesh Chander , Braj Mohan , Deepa Singh and Anupama Jena. (2017). Perceived Needs, Accessibility and Utilization of Information on Scientific Goat Husbandry. Indian Journal of Extension Education, 53(2), 128-131.