Knowledge and Adoption of Bt Cotton Cultivation Practices

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  • H. D. Rajput and Umesh R. Chinchmalatpure


The present study was conducted in Jalgaon and Dhule district of North Maharashtra, with a random sample of 175 Bt
cotton growers, to measure the level of knowledge of Bt cotton growers and to understand the relationship between
selected characteristics of Bt cotton growers and their extent of adoption. The results indicate that majority of the
respondents had medium (53.71 per cent) level of adoption towards cultivation practices of Bt cotton. The analysis of
correlation revealed that variables viz., education, area under Bt cotton, annual income, socio-economic status, social
participation, scientific orientation, cosmopoliteness, extension contact and knowledge had positive and significant
influence on their level of knowledge.






How to Cite

H. D. Rajput and Umesh R. Chinchmalatpure. (2016). Knowledge and Adoption of Bt Cotton Cultivation Practices . Indian Journal of Extension Education, 52(1&2), 121-123.