Impact of Personality Traits on the Academic Achievement of Male and Female Adolescents: A Study of Block Keller of District Shopian (J&K)

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  • Heena Qadir


The totality of qualities and traits, as of character or behavior, that are peculiar to a specific person constitute personality.
The personality of males and females differs considerably due to inherent differences in biological traits that consequently
affect other dimensions of their behavior.Their personalities along with specific associated traits get reflected in various
spheres of their lives and perform differently. Like other facets, personalities play a significant role in the learning abilities
and influence the educational status of males and females. Males and females possess different capabilities to learn on
account of their inherent differences.Thus, it is in the interest of educational psychology to evaluate different personality
traits of males and females and the respective impact on their performances in the field of education to utilize their
potential properly.This will help educationists in general and teachers in particular to come up with promising strategies of
teaching best suited to both the genders. The present study is conducted to investigate the impact of varying personality
traits on the academic achievement of male and female adolescents. The present study employs descriptive method of
research. It was conducted at block Keller of District Shopian in the state of Jammu and Kashmir where from a sample of
80 male and female adolescent students was selected through random sampling method from different Government and
Private schools with equal proportion of gender. The primary research tool administered to the respondents included in the
selected sample was the Cattle's High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ). The findings of the study reveal that the
impact of different personality traits of male and female adolescents on the academic performance in Mathematics and
General Science subjects is significant while as it is insignificant for subjects Urdu, Social Science, English and Value and
Moral education.






How to Cite

Heena Qadir. (2014). Impact of Personality Traits on the Academic Achievement of Male and Female Adolescents: A Study of Block Keller of District Shopian (J&K). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 50(3&4), 28-31.