Barriers in Functioning of Dairy Enterprise Managed by Rural Women

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  • Arun Kumar , Prakash Singh , R. P. Sahu and Khushbu Singh


This study was undertaken in the year of 2011 in Faizabad district of Uttar Pradesh with 120 respondents (60 rural women
from SHG and 60 rural women from non-SHG of dairy enterprise). The main objective of this study was to find out the
barriers in functioning of dairy enterprise managed by rural women. Majority of the SHG rural women faced the barriers
as chances of dishonesty regarding handling of money, poor economic access of women to invest in dairy enterprise, lack
of training programme, improper supply and high cost of veterinary services and medicines, lack of proper marketing
channels. The majority of the non-SHG women faced hindrance of casteism hinders in proper SHG formation, improper
supply and high cost of veterinary services and medicines, lack of training programmes and lack of proper marketing
channels. Most of the independent variables viz., age, family size, occupation, mass media sources, overall extension
contact, farm power, agricultural implements etc. were found highly significant and positively correlated with degree of
women empowerment.






How to Cite

Arun Kumar , Prakash Singh , R. P. Sahu and Khushbu Singh. (2014). Barriers in Functioning of Dairy Enterprise Managed by Rural Women. Indian Journal of Extension Education, 50(3&4), 110-112.