Strategies for integrated weed management in major pulse crops

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  • Ramanjit Kaur ICAR-Division of Agronomy, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012
  • Simerjeet Kaur ICAR-Division of Agronomy, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012


Sustained efforts must be made to improve productivity of pulses in different production systems through available approaches. Suitable and safe herbicides are limited in pulses, especially for the post-emergent control of broadleaf weeds, with many registered herbicides having a narrow crop safety margin. While cultural practices are at the backbone of an integrated weed management plan, they alone may not be enough to secure adequate weed control and chemical control measures are required for timely management. Including crop rotation in conservation agriculture is a successful approach to reduce weed pressure. There is a need to evaluate the effect of high seeding rates on weed management and crop productivity in areas where herbicide use is limited as in organic production systems or herbicides are less effective. To maximize the effectiveness of any weed man-agement practice and avoid yield reduction, it is important to target the proper crop and weed growth stage. Integrated weed management has potential to achieve higher productivity and profitability through efficient utilization of resources and better weed suppression. Studies highlight an integration of herbicide, mechanical/ manual and/or cultural options that could be profitable in most pulses and pulse-based cropping system through controlling weeds. However, it is crop-specific, location-specific and environment-dependent. Therefore, efficient IWM modules/schedules should be studied across pulses, and pulses-based cropping systems for different agro-climatic regions of the country for efficient management of weeds.


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How to Cite

Kaur, R., & Kaur, S. (2021). Strategies for integrated weed management in major pulse crops. Indian Farming, 71(8).