Spotted Pod Borer A potential threat to short duration pigeonpea

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  • S D Mohapatra
  • C Chattopadhyay


In recent years the spotted pod borer, Maruca vitrata (Geyer) has emerged as a major pest in short duration pigeonpea growing areas of India. Because of the high humidity and moderate temperature during flowering, this pest has emerged as a destructive one on short duration pigeonpea varieties having clustering type of branching habit. Application of rynaxypyr 20EC @ 0.4ml or profenphos 50EC @ 2.0 ml or methomyl 40SP @ 1.0 g in combination with DDVP @ 0.5 ml/l of water or garlic bulb extract @ 1% + rynaxypyr 20EC @ 0.4ml/l of water at the time of flowering and podding saves the crop from Maruca infestation.


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Author Biographies

  • S D Mohapatra
    Principal Scientist and Head, Division of Crop
  • C Chattopadhyay
    Director, National Centre for Integrated Pest Management, LBS Building, Pusa Campu





How to Cite

Mohapatra, S. D., & Chattopadhyay, C. (2015). Spotted Pod Borer A potential threat to short duration pigeonpea. Indian Farming, 62(12).