Pusa Prachi– A new wheat variety for irrigated late sown conditions of North Eastern Plains Zone

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  • M Y Samdur
  • S V Sai Prasad
  • H N Pandey
  • A N Mishra
  • S R Kantwa
  • D K Verma
  • D C Saxena
  • G P Singh


HI 1563 meets all the requirements of an ideal quality bread wheat variety for North Eastern Plains Zone. Along with DBW 14 and NW 2036, it will also enrich genetic diversity against stripe, stem and leaf rusts, and thus, will help in raising productivity and profitability of bread wheat crop in north eastern parts of the country, when recommended for release.


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Author Biographies

  • M Y Samdur
    Scientist, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Regional Station, Indore-452 001
  • S V Sai Prasad
    Principal Scientist, IARI,RS, Indore.
  • H N Pandey
    Principal Scientist, IARI,RS, Indore.
  • A N Mishra
    Principal Scientist, IARI,RS, Indore.
  • S R Kantwa
    Principal Scientist, IARI,RS, Indore.
  • D K Verma
    Principal Scientist, IARI,RS, Indore.
  • D C Saxena
    Principal Scientist, IARI,RS, Indore.
  • G P Singh
    Principal Scientist, IARI, Pusa, New Delhi;





How to Cite

Samdur, M. Y., Sai Prasad, S. V., Pandey, H. N., Mishra, A. N., Kantwa, S. R., Verma, D. K., Saxena, D. C., & Singh, G. P. (2015). Pusa Prachi– A new wheat variety for irrigated late sown conditions of North Eastern Plains Zone. Indian Farming, 63(6). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IndFarm/article/view/54139