About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Indian Journal of Dairy Science is a scientific journal of Indian Dairy Association. The objective of the Association shall be the advancement of dairy science and industry, farming, animal husbandry, animal sciences and its branches including dairy farming & research on breeding, and management of dairy livestock.

The readership of the journal is global.
The Indian Journal of Dairy Sciences is published both online and in print mode.

Peer Review Process

The article is sent to a referee: Each paper submitted for publication is sent to 2 referees for peer review. They are selected on following basis:

  • Expertise in one or more areas of paper
  • No conflicts of interest
  • Able to think clearly and logically
  • Able to write a good critique
  • Accurate
  • Reliable in returning reviews
  • Able to do the review in the allotted time-frame

Referees are expected to respond to the editor's request for advice within a limited period of time (7 days), which is clearly stated by the editor. A comment sheet is also provided to him for seeking his advice on all aspects of the article. He is advised to return the script immediately without comments if it is not possible for him to attend to a manuscript within this period, so that the editor can send it to another referee without further delay.

Comments from the referee are received by the editor

  • After Comments received from the referee: Article is sent to author for modification along with comments of referee. At this stage editor completes the preliminary editing. It includes checking in-house style (presentation of title, affiliations, present address, abstract, scientific nomenclature, text and reference presentation).
  • Comments not received from the referee: If comments are not received from the referee, reminder is sent to him.

Reminder to referee from whom the comments not received: If comments are not received from the referee, reminder is sent to him.

Rejection of the article on the basis of comments of the referee: The article is rejected on the basis of comments of the referee. The author is informed accordingly
Author does not agree with the adverse comments of the referee, Editor's decision independently or in consultation with editorial board, is final. Editor may ask the referee or a second referee to go through the comments of the first referee, reply of author to comments of referee and /or contradictory comments of second referee.

Favorable comments are received from second referee after the modification:

Editor's decision independently or in consultation with editorial board, is final . Acceptance of the article is sent to author.


Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India

Sources of Support

Indian Dairy Association, New Delhi, India

Journal History

Established in 1948, Indian Dairy Association (IDA) is the apex body of the dairy industry in India. The members are from cooperatives, MNCs, corporate bodies, private institutions, educational institutions, government, and public sector units. IDA functions very closely with dairy producers, professionals & planners, scientists & educationists, institutions and organisations associated with the development of dairying in India.

The IDA since has a history of around six decades now, it has had the privilege of being headed by several Presidents and some of them were of national and international fame. The luminaries like Sardar Datar Singh, Dr. K.C. Sen, Dr. Z.R. Kothawalla, Dr. D.N. Khurody, Dr. V. Kurien, and Dr. P. Bhattacharya were the past presidents of the IDA.

IDA has been providing a common forum to knit the dairy fraternity together and thus, over the years, it has emerged as the reigning czarina of information. The Association is managed by an apex policy-making body called the Central Executive Committee (CEC). The CEC is headed by President and supported by two Vice-Presidents and 19 Executive Committee Members.

The ongoing CEC is spearheaded under the dynamic leadership of Dr. RS Sodhi, IDA has emerged as a platform for assimilation and dissemination of knowledge, as an important tool for policy making in the dairy sector, in India! Besides, the IDA, in recent times, has also succeeded to focus itself at the national and international level.

The IDA organises seminars, symposia and exhibitions on a wide range of topics catering to various segments of professionals, scientists, institutions and organisations associated with the development of dairying in India.

The IDA's Head Quarter is in Delhi and the zonal branches are in Bangalore, Kolkata, Mumbai, and Delhi. It has State Chapters at Anand (Gujarat), Thrissur (Kerala), Jaipur (Rajasthan), Chandigarh (Punjab), Patna (Bihar), Karnal (Haryana), Chennai (Tamil Nadu), Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) and Eastern UP Local Chapter.