Production characteristics of pig holdings under peri-urban setting ,of Zaria, Northern Nigeria

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  • S Duru
  • G N Akpa
  • J J Omage
  • T S Olugbemi
  • G E Jokthan
  • T F Balogun


Pig, Respondents, Scavenging, Semi-intensive system, Zaria


A study of the production systems existing in pig holdings was carried out by means of structured questionnaires designed to collect data on socia-economic and management factors affecting pig production in peri-urban Samaru and Basawa villages in Zaria, Northern Nigeria. The study revealed that pig farmers in the study area are mainly Christians with 2-24 years experience in swine rearing and 78.33 % of the respondents were part-time pig farmers, 10% housewives and 11.67% full-time farmers. Management system was semi-intensive and kitchen wastes, vegetables and agro-industrial by-products were used to supplement scavenging. About 6.67% of respondents sell dressed pig products, while 93.33% sell live pigs. Several constraints like high cost and availability of feeds, lack of title to land, poor foundation stock, poor record keeping, attack and poisoning of pigs by religious fanatics were identified.


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How to Cite

Duru, S., Akpa, G. N., Omage, J. J., Olugbemi, T. S., Jokthan, G. E., & Balogun, T. F. (2012). Production characteristics of pig holdings under peri-urban setting ,of Zaria, Northern Nigeria. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 69(8).