Comparative utilization of complete feed containing siris (Albezia lebbeck) pods by sheep and goats

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  • A Santra
  • A S Mishra
  • O H Chaturvedi
  • R Prasad
  • R C Jakhmola


Blood biochemical constituents, Goat, Nutrient digestibility, Sheep, Siris pods


The comparative utilization of nutrients in sheep (5) and goats (5) fed a complete ration, 40 % siris pods, along with other ingredients for 90 days, was studied. The daily intake of dry matter in sheep (35 5±1.37 g/kg body weight) was higher than that in goats (23.9±0.46 g/kg body weight). However, digestibilities of DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF and cellulose were significantly higher (P<0.01) in goats compared to sheep. Blood glucose, plasma protein and albumin were similar in both the species. The plasma urea concentration was, however, higher (P<0.01) in sheep (21.4±0.36 mg/dl) than that in goats (18.05±0.49 mg/dl). The siris pods-based complete diet could maintain sheep and goats. The goats, although, had lower intake of DM, it had better nutrient digestibility than that of sheep.


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How to Cite

Santra, A., Mishra, A. S., Chaturvedi, O. H., Prasad, R., & Jakhmola, R. C. (2012). Comparative utilization of complete feed containing siris (Albezia lebbeck) pods by sheep and goats. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 68(10).