Performance of growing crossbred female calves fed different ratios of JHB–146variety of green berseem and straw

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Barley straw, Female calves, Green berseem, JHB–146 variety, Performances


Growing female calves (15), divided into 3 groups of 5 each, were fed a mixed ration of barley straw and green berseem (JHB–146, a new variety) with limited supplementation of wheat bran (0.3% of live weight) to record their nutritional and growth performances. Three different combinations of barley straw and green berseem were 50:50, 30:70 and 15:85 (on dry matter basis) and fed to the animals of G1, G2 and G3 group, respectively. Average daily DM intake was 2.47, 2.38 and 2.29% of live weight in calves of G1, G2 and G3 groups, respectively, and the differences were nonsignificant. The digestibility of DM, OM, EE and cellulose were also comparable among the groups ranging from 58.3 to 60.7, 60.1 to 62.1, 46.7 to 48.6 and 53.7 to 59.2%, respectively. However, the digestibility of NDF and ADF was lower and of CP was higher in calves of G3 group than that in G1 group. All the animals were in positive nitrogen balance and retained 20.6, 28.5 and 33.9 g N/animal/day in G1, G2 and G3 groups, respectively. Average daily CP and DCP intakes were low in G1 group than G2 and G3 groups. However, average TDN intakes were comparable among the groups, ranging from 2.28 to 2.36 kg/day. Higher intakes of nitrogen and its balances in G2 and G3 groups also resulted in higher live weight gain in calves of these 2 groups when compared to G1 group. Variation in green berseem to barley straw ratio also had no influence on the blood biochemical constituents. It was inferred that the feed intake and nutrient utilization were better and calves sustained around 500 g ADG when fed barley straw and JHB–146 variety of green berseem in 30: 70 ratio.


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How to Cite

MAHANTA, S. K., & KARNANI, L. K. (2011). Performance of growing crossbred female calves fed different ratios of JHB–146variety of green berseem and straw. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 80(1).