Status, characteristics and performance of Red Kandhari cattle breed in its native tract

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Cattle, Characterstics, Draught breed, Perfomance, Red Kandhari


The breeding tract of Red Kandhari cattle breed comprises Latur, Parbahni, Nanded, Hingoli and Beed districts of Maharashtra. The climate of the breeding tract is dry and semiarid. Animals of the breed are reared mainly for draught purpose. Animals are medium in size, strong, compact and good looking. Body colour is dill1 red to almost dark brown. On an average cows had 109 cm body length, 128 cm height at wither, 150 cm heart girth, 46 cm face length, 24 cm ear length, 16 cm long horn and 75 cm long tail up to the switch. The corresponding figures in bullocks were 1 18, 13 1, 109, 48, 24, 21 and 85 cm. respectively. Herd size ranged from 2 to 5 animals. The birth weight, daily milk yield, peak milk yield, lactation milk yield, fat percent, lactation length and dry period ranged from 19-22 kg, 1.5 to 4.0 kg, 2.0 to 4.0 kg. 400-600 kg, 4.5, 230-270 days and 130-190 days, respectively. The age at first calving, gestation period, service period and calving interval ranged from 30-45 months, 272-290 days, 120-170 days and 360-700 days. respectively. Cows are low milk producers and bullocks of the breed are preferred over the Deoni breed for better draught ability and smaller size. The survey conducted revealed that animals of breed are sufficient in number and needs immediate attention to improve milk yield and draught ability.


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How to Cite

PUNDIR, R. K., & SINGH, P. K. (2011). Status, characteristics and performance of Red Kandhari cattle breed in its native tract. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 78(1).