Effect of post-insemination clitoris massage on conception rate and duration of oestrus in crossbred cows with prolonged oestrus

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Cattle, Clitoris massage, Infertility, Insemination, Oestrum


The effect of post insemination clitoris massage (CM) on conception rate and duration of oestrus in crossbred dairy cattle was studied. Sixty inseminations each were done under category A (insemination immediately followed clitoris massage eM) and category B (without CM). Those continued to show heat signs on second day in both categories were re-inseminated as on the previous day, while AI was not repeated even though few animals continued to show heat signs on the third day. Inseminated animals were observed for return to oestrus and non-returns were verified for pregnancy 2 months after AI. Prolonged oestrum was noticed on the second day in 13.34% of cases under category A, and 46.67% in category B. Oestrum persisted even on the third day in 5 and 18.34% of cases, respectively, under categories A and B. Conception rate of AI was 38.33% in category A and 41.67% in category B. Though conception rate of AI was better in category B, more double inseminations were involved, making actual number of AI per conception to be 3.52 as compared to 2.96 in category A. It could be concluded that incidence of prolonged oestrus was lesser in cows subjected to CM reducing the necessity for double AI and number of AI per conception. Hence clitoris massage forms a better management strategy in herds with increased incidence of prolonged heat and service failures.



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How to Cite

KUTIY, C. I. (2011). Effect of post-insemination clitoris massage on conception rate and duration of oestrus in crossbred cows with prolonged oestrus. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 76(1). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IJAnS/article/view/3518