Haemato-biochemical parameters of Burmese pig of subtropical hill agro ecosystem

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  • Kalyan Sarma College of Veterinary Sciences & A.H CAU,Selesih, Aizawl
  • B Konwar
  • A Ali
  • G Das
  • G Kalita
  • F A Ahmed
  • B S Aikia
  • Hbayan Hbayan
  • V Nayan


Burmese pig, haemato-biochemical value, Aizawl


A total of 100 normal burmes pigs were selected for haemato-biochemical . The mean values for different hematological parameters viz. Packed Cell Volume (PCV), Total Erythrocyte Count (TEC), Total Leukocyte Count (TLC) and Hemoglobin (Hb) ranged from 30.68±0.50 to 48.78±0.76 %; 5.32±0.10 to 6.83±0.12 m/mm3; 8.20± 0.22 to 18.60± 0.61m/mm3 and 9.99±0.20 to 13.12±0.10 %. The MCV (fl), MCH (pg) and MCHC (g/dl) ranged from 56.06 ± 1.00 to 60.35±0.51, 14.70±0.19 to 16.56±0.52 and 31.15±0.70 to 35.05±0.60 respectively. The neutrophil(%), lymphocytes(%) , monocytes(%) , basophil(%) and eosinophil(%) ranged from 28.92±0.35 to 58.36±0.56, 28.60±0.57 to 59.24±0.40, 8.48±0.26 to 12.88±0.16, 1.44±0.15 to 1.60±0.17 and 1.48±0.18 to1.92±0.17 respectively. The Hb, TEC, PCV, TLC, MCHC increased with the age of the pigs. The mean serum glucose (mg/dl) level ranged from 155.10 ± 6.07 to 214.27 ± 4.22. The values obtained for serum cholesterol (mg/dl), serum albumin (g/dl), serum total protein (g/dl), serum urea nitrogen (mg/dl) and serum bilirubin (mg/dl) ranged between 109.68±1.23 to 114.72±1.89, 3.05±0.17 to 3.46 ±0.11, 6.36±0.19 to 7.01±0.16, and 23.37±1.01 to 26.96±1.11 and 0.06±0.02 to 0.102±0.01 respectively. The mean ± SE values of serum transaminases viz. AST and ALT were found to increase with age.


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Author Biography

  • Kalyan Sarma, College of Veterinary Sciences & A.H CAU,Selesih, Aizawl

     Assistant Professor

    Division Of Medicine









How to Cite

Sarma, K., Konwar, B., Ali, A., Das, G., Kalita, G., Ahmed, F. A., Aikia, B. S., Hbayan, H., & Nayan, V. (2011). Haemato-biochemical parameters of Burmese pig of subtropical hill agro ecosystem. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 81(8). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IJAnS/article/view/4089