Histomorphological studies on the bulbourethral gland of Murrah buffalo during postnatal development

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  • K S Roy
  • Narinder Singh
  • P S Malhi


Buffalo, Bulbourethral gland, Postnatal


Age correlated hlstomorphological study was made on the bulbourethral glands of buffaloes in neonates (day 1to 1 month), prepubertal (6 months to 1Y2 years) and adult (above 3Y2 years). Each group comprised 6 animals. The bulbourethral gland was a compound tubulo-acinar and predominately mucous type of gland. In neonates, lobulation was not distinct and the parenchyma comprised luminated and non-Iuminated cellular cords budded offrom the terminal ducts. All the glandular end pieces were luminated at 3.5 years ofage. The capsule and interlobular trabeculae descended from capsule of the gland comprised collagen fibres intermingled with smooth and striated muscle fibres in prepubertal calves. The type of epithelial lining varied from simple cuboidal to transitional according to location of ducts.



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How to Cite

Roy, K. S., Singh, N., & Malhi, P. S. (2011). Histomorphological studies on the bulbourethral gland of Murrah buffalo during postnatal development. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 76(9). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IJAnS/article/view/4335