Structure, distribution and innervation of fibre types in buffalo extraocular muscles

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  • K T Lakshmi Shree
  • R V Prasad
  • K V Jamuna
  • Krishna Kakade
  • M Dhoolappn


Buffalo, Extraocular muscle, Histology


The structure, distribution and innervation of the extraocular muscles fibres in buffalo were studied. Tissues were collected from 3 regions of the eyeball namely orbital attachment, middle portion and scleral attachment and were stained for haematoxylin and eosin, phosphotungstic acid haematoxyIin (PTAH) and silver staining techniques. Muscle fibres were classified as narrow, intermediate and broad fibres based on diameter of fibres. The recti and oblique muscles presented more percentage of narrow fibres whereas retractor bulbi muscle presented more of broad fibres. Cytoplasmic appearance of muscle fibres showedfibrillenstruktur andfelderstruktur type. 1\vo types of nerve endings namely en grappe and en plaque were observed.



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How to Cite

Shree, K. T. L., Prasad, R. V., Jamuna, K. V., Kakade, K., & Dhoolappn, M. (2011). Structure, distribution and innervation of fibre types in buffalo extraocular muscles. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 76(9).