Oestrus behaviour in female mithun (Bos.frontalis)

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  • F A Ahmed
  • N Baishya
  • K M Bujarbarua
  • B C Deka
  • B K Goswami
  • B C Sarmah


Behaviour, Mithun, Oestrus


A study was carried out to record the different signs of oestrus in female mithun, The behavioural signs of oestrus manifested were sniffing ofvulva by bulls (91.30%), standing to be mounted by bulls (91.30%), frequent urination (82.61 %), allowing chin resting by bulls (82.61 %), restlessness (65.22%), bellowing (56.52%), seeking company of other animals (56.52%), licking body of other animals (47.83%), mountingherclmates (26.09%), and loss ofappetite (8.70%). The physical signs observed were hyperemia of vulvar mucous membrane (100%), oedema of vulva (82.61 %), discharge of genital mucus (78.26%) and foam in mouth (30.43%). However, all the above mentioned symptoms of oestrus in female mithun were not as intense as in cattle.



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How to Cite

Ahmed, F. A., Baishya, N., Bujarbarua, K. M., Deka, B. C., Goswami, B. K., & Sarmah, B. C. (2011). Oestrus behaviour in female mithun (Bos.frontalis). The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 76(9). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IJAnS/article/view/4342