Histomorphological development of prenatal liver in non-descript Indian buffalo

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  • P J Doley
  • K S Roy
  • A Kumar


Buffalo, Histomorphology, Liver, Prenatal development


Fetuses (18) ranging from 46 to 323 days (3.8 em CRL to 110.6 cm CRL) of age were collected and divided into 3 groups, viz. group 1 (46 days to 105 days; 3,8 to 16,9 cm CRL) consisting 01'7 fetuses, group 2 (124 days to 158 days; 22.5 to 37.5 cm CRL) consisting of5 fetuses and group 3 (158 days to 323 days; 41 to 110.6 cm CRL) consisting of 6 fetuses. The capsule and stroma of liver in group I was composed of immature collagen and reticular fibres with some mesenchymal cells, while that ofgroups 2 and 3 were made up of matured collagen and reticular fibres. The thickness ofthe capsule in groups 2 and 3 was measured 2I. I I±1.3 I jlm and 32. I2±5.92 jlm respectively, Hepatic lobulation was first observed in the liver at 136 days (27.5 cm CRL) with the formation of central vein. Typical arrangement of hepatocytes resembling the histological profile ofthe adult liver was seen at 176 days (45.5 cm CRL). The shape ofthe hepatocytes in all age groups ranged from polyhedral to elliptical. Their nuclei were centrally located and were rounded to oval having one or more prominent nucleoli. The hepatic vesicles were seen in all age groups. The hemoblastic cells were seen in between the parenchyma in fetuses 46 days (3.8 em CRL). At 74 days (10.1 cm CRL) the hemoblastic cells become intra sinusoidal. Gradual declines of hemoblastic cell with concomitantly decrease in Kupffer cell was seen from the later part of group 2.



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How to Cite

Doley, P. J., Roy, K. S., & Kumar, A. (2011). Histomorphological development of prenatal liver in non-descript Indian buffalo. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 76(10). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IJAnS/article/view/4369