Methane production in relation to productivity of livestock and environment: A review
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Environment, Livestock, Methane Production, ProductivityAbstract
Fermentation of feed in rumen of animal results in production of volatile fatty acids (acetate, propionate and butyrate), and microbial protein is synthesized from protein and non-protein nitrogen. Volatile fatty acids are the source of energy, and protein synthesised is used as source of protein by the host animals. In addition VFA and microbial protein, methane is produced. Feed energy is lost to the tune 5-15% of grass energy. However, feed energy loss in methane is reduced by increasing the concentrate in diet, balance diet, feeding of green fodder, supplementation of deficient nutrient including urea-molasses - minerals, supplementation of feed additives etc. Secondly methane emission reported by outside workers was higher to estimates of Indian workers. Proper feeding of livestock will increase the productivity and protect the environment in terms of global warming.Downloads
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