Fodder Bank: Source of fodder for livestock during the drought period in arid Kachchh region

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  • Sushil Kumar ICAR-Central Agroforestry Research Institute (CAFRI), Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh
  • Arun Kumar Misra ICAR-CAZRI
  • Deepesh Machiwal ICAR-CAZRI
  • Ashok Yadav ICAR-CAFRI
  • Sukumar Taria ICAR-CAFRI


Kachchh is a district of Gujarat state, located in the western part of India well known for its natural wetlands. Livestock rearing is the main occupation and remains the only source of cash revenue for subsistence farms, especially during drought periods in the Kachchh arid ecosystem. It also provides insurance in case of crop failure. Hence, the region has a livestock population larger than the human population, which is a unique feature of the region. Thus, there is an opportunity to enhance the livestock productivity by supplying an adequate quantity of fodder, particularly during lean or drought period. A fodder bank is one of the way to solve the fodder scarcity during lean or drought periods in order to prevent migration, distress sales and starvation of livestock.


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Author Biographies

  • Sushil Kumar, ICAR-Central Agroforestry Research Institute (CAFRI), Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh
    Works as Scientist, Agronomy at ICAR-CAFRI and having research specialization in rangeland management and nutrient management.
  • Arun Kumar Misra, ICAR-CAZRI

    Working as a Principal Scientist, Livestock Production Management

  • Deepesh Machiwal, ICAR-CAZRI
    Working as a Principal Scientist, at ICAR-CAZRI Jodhpur
  • Ashok Yadav, ICAR-CAFRI
    Works as Scientist (Fruit Science) at ICAR-CAFRI
  • Sukumar Taria, ICAR-CAFRI
     Works as Scientist (Plant Physiology) at ICAR-CAFRI









How to Cite

Kumar, S., Misra, A. K., Machiwal, D., Yadav, A., & Taria, S. (2022). Fodder Bank: Source of fodder for livestock during the drought period in arid Kachchh region. Indian Farming, 72(7).