Fodder quality and nitrate estimation of oats grown under different nutrient management options

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  • Dinesh Kumar ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal
  • Magan Singh
  • Sanjeev Kumar
  • Rajesh Kumar Meena
  • Rakesh Kumar


Fodder oats, Nitrate, Panchagavya, PGPR, Profitability, Quality


Fodder insufficiency and its poor-quality leads to lower productivity of Indian cattle. To raise productivity and quality of fodder oats, the present study was undertaken with residual effect of three maize cultivars on oats cv. Kent (V1: African Tall, V2: J-1006; V3: P-3396) and four nutrient management options (N0: Control; N1: 100% RDF; N2: 75% RDF + PGPR + Panchagavya spray; N3: 50% RDF + 25% FYM + PGPR + Panchagavya spray) using Split Plot Design. Results showed that residual effect of maize cultivars did not cause significant variations on quality traits as well as economics of fodder oats. The use of 75% RDF + PGPR + Panchagavya (N2) showed significantly higher dry fodder, crude protein, ether extract and total ash yields during both years of experimentation and it followed by 50% RDF + 25% FYM + PGPR + Panchagavya (N3). The fibre fractions as well as nitrate concentrations were significantly lowered with application of N2 and N3 options. The highest benefit in terms of net returns was also obtained with N2 option. Our results suggested that application of 75% RDF + PGPR + Panchagavya enhances the fodder quality, productivity, profitability and reduces the nitrate concentration in oats grown after maize besides replacing 25% RDF.

Author Biography

  • Dinesh Kumar, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal
    Sr. Scientist (Agronomy)


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How to Cite

Kumar, D., Singh, M., Kumar, S., Meena, R. K., & Kumar, R. (2021). Fodder quality and nitrate estimation of oats grown under different nutrient management options. Indian Journal of Dairy Science, 74(4).