Comparative study between traditional Domiati cheese and Recombined Feta cheese

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  • Mohamed Nour-Eldin Farid Hamad Damietta - Damietta University - Fac. of Agriculture - Dairy Department


Domiati cheese – Economic study – Recombined like Feta cheese – Chemical composition


Domiati cheese is the most important white pickled cheese made from fresh cow and buffalos milk, the unique step is the addition of (10 - 14%) salt directly to cheese milk before renneting. The yield is highly depending on the quality and season of milk production. The cheese consumed after three months (semi ripened) or after 6 months (well ripened). Its production needs big capital. Because of the high prices of milks and cast of ripening. New cast cheeses introduced to the local Egyptian markets, namely Feta-like and Tallaga like cheese. These recombined cheeses found acceptability from producers and consumer. The three type of cheeses were experimentally processed under similar conditions, the resultant cheeses were, chemically, organoleptically and economically evaluated. Results showed lower protein and salt contents for cast cheeses as compared with traditional Domiati cheese. Fat content of Feta cheese was the highest as compared with other cheeses, even for 6 months old cheese. Feta-like cheese characterized with lower pH as a result of GDL and citric acid addition. The lower yield of Domiati cheese and the equal mathematical yield with practical yield of recombined cheese encouraged processor to go on cast cheese production. Cast cheese gained higher organoleptic scoring points, especially Feta-like cheese because of the higher fat content and the clean acid flavour: The low salt content attracted the consumers to change their opinion from the salty flavour Domiati cheese. Economic study showed the higher profit from cast cheese because of the fully obtained yield, the marketing directly after processing, the running capital in shorter time while, running cast of Damiati cheese takes longer time otherwise processors are obliged to sell their fresh cheese cheaply to get their running capital early. Results showed very promise future for recombined Feta-like cheese.

Author Biography

  • Mohamed Nour-Eldin Farid Hamad, Damietta - Damietta University - Fac. of Agriculture - Dairy Department
    Damietta - Damietta University - Fac. of Agriculture - Dairy Department






How to Cite

Hamad, M. N.-E. F. (2015). Comparative study between traditional Domiati cheese and Recombined Feta cheese. Indian Journal of Dairy Science, 68(5).