Antimethanogenic effects of soybean straw and seaweed (Sargassum johnstonii) based total mixed ration in crossbred cows

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  • Sarishti Katwal Anand Agricultural University
  • P R Pandya Anand Agricultural University Anand
  • M M Trivedi Anand agricultural University, anand
  • K K Sorathiya Anand Agricultural University
  • S V Shah Anand Agricultural University, Anand


TMR, Seaweeds, Soybean straw, Milk yield, Methane, Feed efficiency


Ruminants are responsible for 50 % of anthropogenic methane production. Methane has higher global warming potential which is 28 times more than CO2. The present investigation was conducted to evaluate effect of supplementation of soybean straw and seaweed (Sargassum johnstoni) in the ration of dairy cows on methane mitigation and production performance of animals. Six crossbred lactating cows received three treatments in Switch Over Design for 135 days in 3 periods of 45 days each. The treatments consist of T1: TMR with compound concentrate mixture and wheat straw (60:40); T2: TMR with 20 % each of wheat straw and soyabean straw and 60 % compound concentrate mixture and T3: TMR (60:40) with seaweed (Sargassum johnstonii). Methane emission was estimated by SF6 tracer technique. The DM and nutrient intake were at par in T1 and T2 but was significantly low in T3. The milk yield observed was also less in T3 than T1 and T2 which were at par. The methane production significantly reduced by 20.79 % and 16.53% (P<0.05) in soybean (T2) and seaweed (T3) supplemented group as compared to control group. The loss of dietary energy through methane also significantly decreased in T2 and T3 than T1. The results indicated that supplementation of soybean straw and seaweed in TMR has tremendous potential for methane mitigation in crossbred cows. However, further research is needed to ameliorate the feed and nutrient intake by increasing palatability of seaweeds based TMR.

Author Biographies

  • Sarishti Katwal, Anand Agricultural University

    Sarishti Katwal
    M.V.Sc. Scholar
    Department of Livestock Production Management
    College of veterinary sciences and animal husbandry Anand Agricultural University Anand

  • P R Pandya, Anand Agricultural University Anand

    Professor and Head

    Animal Nutrition Research Station, College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, Anand Agricultural University Anand- 388001, Gujarat, India

  • M M Trivedi, Anand agricultural University, anand


    Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, Anand Agricultural University Anand- 388001, Gujarat, India

  • K K Sorathiya, Anand Agricultural University

    Assistant Professor

    Animal Nutrition Research Station, College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, Anand Agricultural University Anand- 388001, Gujarat, India

  • S V Shah, Anand Agricultural University, Anand

    Professor and Head

    Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, Anand Agricultural University Anand- 388001, Gujarat, India


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How to Cite

Katwal, S., Pandya, P. R., Trivedi, M. M., Sorathiya, K. K., & Shah, S. V. (2021). Antimethanogenic effects of soybean straw and seaweed (Sargassum johnstonii) based total mixed ration in crossbred cows. Indian Journal of Dairy Science, 74(6).