The trajectory of livestock performance in India: A review

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  • Raka Saxena
  • Mohd Arshad Khan
  • Bishwa Bhaskar Choudhary
  • Vinita Kanwal


Community employment, Livestock marketing, Nutritional security, Sustainable agricultural production


This paper presents the growth trajectory along with key dimensions related to livestock marketing, trade, animal health services, feeding pattern along with the impact of climate. India’s livestock sector is both expanding and acclimatizing to the emerging socioeconomic, environmental, and technological dynamics. Growing importance of livestock towards enhancing food and nutritional security, increasing agricultural growth, reducing rural poverty and mitigating farm households’ vulnerability to shocks in along with providing employment and empowerment opportunities to females has been widely acknowledged and acclaimed in numerous studies. A modernization perspective is required for the sector for technological innovations and help to overcome the challenges associated with shifting production, consumption and changing climate. The future growth in livestock sector needs to be focused on productivity and efficiency. Newer science tools will enhance animal productivity and make the sector a more profitable occupation. The country needs to focus on the niche items for exports and niche destinations along with addressing the safety issues. Gradual stress induced by global warming and climate change is also influencing fertility and productivity of livestock, the potentiality of science and livestock research should be harnessed by validating and transferring the technologies for enhancing animal productivity, improved value addition and improving competitiveness. Efficient and effective extension services, sufficient feeds & fodder, effective animal health services, incentives for shift from subsistence livestock to livestock entrepreneurship along with efficient chains for livestock marketing and trade would be the game changers.









How to Cite

Saxena, R., Khan, M. A., Choudhary, B. B., & Kanwal, V. (2020). The trajectory of livestock performance in India: A review. Indian Journal of Dairy Science, 72(6).