
  • The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences

    A journal devoted to experimental agriculture and abstracted by all the major abstracting services. It includes articles on cytology, genetics, breeding, agronomy, soil science, horticulture, water use, microbiology, plant diseases and pest, agricultural engineering, economics and statistics with emphasis on original articles, from India and countries having similar agricultural conditions. NAAS Rating (2024): 6.4

    Indexed in Elsevier Scopus, Clarivate Analytics ESCI, SJIF, DOAJ, Google Scholar and Crossref


    Subscription Information for Print Version

  • The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences

    This journal caters to a wide clientele comprising veterinarians, researchers and students. Articles are included on animal breeding and genetics, immunology, biotechnology, diseases, medicine and pharmacology, anatomy and histology, surgery, pathology, physiology, nutrition, milk, meat and other animal products, housing and fisheries from India and internationally. NAAS Rating (2024): 6.4

    Indexed in Elsevier Scopus, Clarivate Analytics ESCI, SJIF, DOAJ, Google Scholar and Crossref 


    Subscription Information for Print Version

  • Indian Journal of Fisheries

    The Indian Journal of Fisheries is published quarterly by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). Original contributions in the field of fish and fisheries science will be considered for publication in the Journal. The material submitted must be unpublished and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

    Papers based on research which kills or damages any species, regarded as threatened/ endangered as per IUCN criteria or is as such listed in the Red Data Book appropriate to the geographic area concerned, will not be accepted by the Journal, unless the work has clear conservation objectives

    Editorial Board


  • Fishery Technology

    The Fishery technology is an international peer reviewed journal that provides essential information regarding aquaculture, fishing technology, fish processing and fishery resource management. The Journal is published quarterly (January, April, July and October) by the Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), Cochin, Kerala, India. The manuscripts have to be submitted online through the URL:

    The Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) has instituted the Best Paper Award for the best scientific paper appearing in the journal every year. The Award carries a citation and a cash component of Rs. 5000/-

    Editorial Board

    Subscription Details (Print Journal)

  • Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality

    The Journal (JSSWQ) was started in 2009 and since then biannual issues are being published regularly, June and December issues containing approximately 300 printed and online pages.


    Subscription Information for Print Version

  • Potato Journal

    Potato Journal;  formerly (till year 2003) known as “Journal of the Indian Potato Association”, is official journal of the Indian Potato Association (IPA).The  IPA was established in 1974 and registered under the “Indian Societies Registration Act XXI” of 1860 (registration No. 206/74; dated 15th June 1974). The journal covers all areas of potato research including Genetics, Breeding, Biotechnology, Agronomy, Soil Science, Seed Technology, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Storage, Physiology, Biochemistry, Post Harvest Technology, Agricultural Economics, Marketing, Statistics, Extension and Farm Machinery. The journal is published in two issues to form one volume per year. Information for authors can be found at the end of each issue. Acknowledgments to reviewers are published in the December issue. The IPA was founded with the objectives to advance the cause of potato research and development. Besides publishing Potato Journal (Formerly Journal of Indian Potato Association), the IPA also holds conferences, symposia and workshops to provide opportunities for personal contacts among potato workers to promote and exchange scientific and other information and to develop means of interaction among potato researchers, industry, farmers and consumers.


    Subscription Information for Print Version

              Potato Journal publishes reviews, full length papers, short notes and book reviews on basic and applied research on potato.  Potato Journal   does not charge any Article Processing Charges (APCs). The authors should be members of the IPA (foreign authors are exempted). Instruction related to acquiring IPA membership is provided under “Subscription Information” Section.

  • Cotton Research Journal

    The inaugural issue of the ISCI Journal was published in January 1976, since then the periodical has witnessed increasing patronage from cotton scientists from all over India and abroad. By 1990s, the 6- monthly journal had transformed into a quarterly publication to accommodate the rising number of articles originating from ICAR institutes and agricultural universities in which government funded research programmes were on the increase.


    Subscription Information for Print Version

  • Indian Farming

    This magazine is for people interested-in-farming. The aim is to present scientific information in a popular style to the progressive farmers and people interested in application of science to day-to-day problems to Indian farming. It has articles, book reviews, photo features, interviews, success stories and an editorial page. Two special issues are also brought every year. One in October on World Food Day and another on any special occasion; accent issues are also brought out on subject of topical issues. It is most authoritative and popular farming magazine in India published since 1940.

    Subscription Information for Print Version

  • Indian Journal of Extension Education

    The Indian Journal of Extension Education (ISSN 0537-1996, eISSN 2454-552X) is the peer-reviewed, official publication of the Indian Society of Extension Education,  (ISEE) New Delhi publishing original research papers/ research notes/ research tools in the field of extension education and allied fields since 1965. The Indian Society of Extension Education, Division of Agricultural Extension, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi is a registered professional society under the societies registration act XXI of 1860  (Punjab Amendment) Act 1957 as extended to Union Territory of Delhi under registration number S-2504 dated 22.06.1964.  The Indian Journal of Extension Education is  published quarterly and UGC CARE Listed since January 2023.

    Indexed in Elsevier Scopus, CAB International, Index Copernicus International Journal Master list, Google Scholar, Scilit, Semantic Scholar, AGRIS of FAO, BASE, WorldCat, EBSCO, Crossref, PlumX, Mendeley, etc.  

    The Scopus cite score 0.7 of in June 2024 ( )

    NAAS rating:  4.58 (January 2024) 

    NAAS Journal ID: I063 ( Effective from January 2024)

  • Indian Horticulture

    A semi technical magazine devoted to publishing articles on new techniques of raising vegetables, fruits and flowers from India and countries having similar agricultural conditions. Special issues are also brought out on topical issues.
    It is bimonthly.

    Subscription Information for Print Version

  • Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

    Welcome to Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (OAJMAP) the only Open Access journal dedicated to the field of medicinal and aromatic plants. It is managed and published by the Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Association of India (MAPAI) hosted by the Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research (DMAPR), formerly, National Research Centre for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Boriavi, Anand 387310, Gujarat, India.

    This Journal is indexed and abstracted by Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), CABI, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), DOAJ, Google Scholar, Open J-Gate, Scopus, Scirus and SCImago Journal Rank (SJR). And is a proud partner of the CIARD RING and GODAN.


  • Journal of Agricultural Engineering

    The Journal of Agricultural Engineering (India) is a peer-reviewed Journal and publishes interdisciplinary basic and applied research manuscripts of engineering and technology to address the problems of agricultural, food, and biological systems. The journal publishes papers of both theoretical and applied nature, with a special focus on experimental research, new design criteria, mathematical modelling and innovative approaches relating to all fields of agricultural engineering and technology. This journal uses double-blind review process.

    The Journal of Agricultural Engineering (India) is not an open-access journal, but a subscription based journal. Journal doesn't charge article processing charges (APC), article submission fees, or surcharges based on the length of an article, colour illustrations, or supplementary data. To attract and publish many high-quality papers, the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers instituted the Best Paper Award and the Best Reviewer Award. These awards are announced annually in the Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers.

  • Journal of Oilseeds Research

    Indian Society of Oilseeds Research (ISOR) began to publish biannual scientific Journal Journal of Oilseeds Research from 1984, which is a unique Journal in the country publishing scientific papers/reviews on all aspects of annual & perennial oilseed crops. This is the only Journal that is dedicated to the oilseed research, catering to the needs of researchers, students, academicians and policy makers, by supplying updated information on various aspects of oilseeds research. So far, in the past 37 years, the journal is being published every year without any break. Based on the increase in the number of manuscripts received as well as the increased members of the society, the journal is being published quarterly (March, June, September, and December of every year) since 2016. Also with the constant guidance of honorary members of ISOR, and unstinted efforts of the editorial boards of the journal, not only did the pattern as well as the quality of the Journal improved but also the NAAS rating of the journal: 3.97 to 5.02. It is being consistently maintained at this level since the last three years.


    Subscription Information for Print Version

  • Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science

    Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science is the periodical brought out quarterly since 1953 (March, June, September and December) and it covers all aspects of soil study.

    The Society organizes seminars, symposia, conferences, meeting etc. enables members of ISSS and others to interact and disseminate knowledge on soil and land.

    Annual Convention of the Society is held regularly. This Society has celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 1984, Diamond Jubilee in 1994 and Platinum Jubilee in 2009.


    Subscription Information for Print Version

  • The Journal of Research ANGRAU

    The Journal of Research ANGRAU is the University Publication (quarterly) of Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU) and has been published since 1973. This journal is celebrating its 50th volume in the year 2022 and has started only online issue since 2022.

    The Journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that seeks to encourage research in agriculture, horticulture, agricultural engineering, community science/home science and social sciences (agricultural extension and agricultural economics). The JOR ANGRAU provides a platform to publish original research work in all agricultural and allied sciences.

    JOR ANGRAU supports research articles which explore innovative experimental approaches and empirical studies. The Journal recognizes works across the above disciplines and therefore especially values meta-disciplinary analyses that will provide a foundation for communication across these academic fields and disciplines.

     The journal has a NAAS rating of 4.27 (2024) and is a UGC-CARE-approved journal. The Journal is Indexed by CAB International (CABI), AGRIS (FAO) and Indian Citation Index (ICI). Journal has a presence in Google Scholar. The Journal publishes quality research papers in Agriculture and allied sciences after meticulous double-blind peer review process.


  • Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy

    Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy is a scientific journal of Indian Association of Veterinary Anatomists. The first issue of first volume of the journal was published in 1989. The journal is published six monthly (two issues per volume, June & December).


    Subscription Information for Print Version
  • Indian Journal of Dairy Science

    Indian Journal of Dairy Science is a scientific journal of Indian Dairy Association. The objective of the Association shall be the advancement of dairy science and industry, farming, animal husbandry, animal sciences and its branches including dairy farming & research on breeding, and management of dairy livestock.

  • Annals of Agricultural Research

    A Journal published by Indian Society of Agricultural Sciences, IARI, New Delhi an umbrella society for Agricultural sciences.

    NAAS Rating: 4.62

  • Indian Journal of Veterinary Medicine

    Indian Journal of veterinary journal publishes review article(invited), original /applied research, clinical reports short communications on all area of animal health including diagnosis treatment and control.

    Editorial Board
    Subscription Details

  • Journal of Cereal Research

    Journal of Cereal Research (JCR ISSN: 2582-2675), formerly known as Wheat and Barley Research / Journal of Wheat Research (erstwhile ISSN: 2249-4065), serves as an official organ of Society for Advancement of Wheat and Barley Research (SAWBAR) for the peer-reviewed Publication of reviews, research papers, short communications as per Article 14.1 of the constitution and by-laws of the society. The Journal is sent free to its members.

    NAAS Rating (2021): 4.57

    No. of Issues: Thrice in a Year (Peer-Reviewed)

  • Journal of Cotton Research and Development

    An international journal, official organ of Cotton Research and Development Association, devoted to original research in cotton related agriculture and technology, its by-products and allied products. it is published twice a year in January and July.


    Subscription details for Print Version
  • Indian Journal of Hill Farming

    The journal was first published in the year 1987. The journal is published twice a year (June and December). Current NAAS rating of the Journal is 4.39

    The Agropedology is a scientific journal of The Indian Society of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (ISSLUP) launched in the year 1991. The journal is published six monthly (two issues per volume, June & December). Original contributions covering research articles, review articles and short communications in the field of soil sciences, agronomy, engineering, agriculture economics, and physical geography will be considered for publication.

    NAAS Rating: 4.63

  • Mushroom Research

    Mushroom Research, the official publication of the Mushroom Society of India is a bi-annual journal. It publishes full papers and short communications reporting original research, basic and applied, which contribute significantly to the knowledge of the mushroom science and industry. Mini-reviews (with prior consent or invitation only) and articles of practical/technical importance will be published. News and views, and book reviews will also be considered. The author (s) should be the members of the Society. Till date 32 volumes, each having two issues have been published.

    It is peer reviewed Journal and has NAAS rating of 5.33 (2024). S.No 2126. JrnID  M120  ISSN 0972-4885.

    Journal is registered by DOI systems. It is listed in Indian citation Index and UGC care list. The Journal is indexed in UGC care List 2023 at Sr. No. 18026 and journal no. is 37111. The journal is also indexed in CABI, Google scholar, International Society for Research Activity (ISRA), Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) (USA), Agricola (USA).

  • Indian Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Research

    The Indian Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Research, published six times in a year (bi-monthly) by Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, considers original papers for publication on all aspects of Veterinary, Animal, Fisheries, and Food sciences (related to animal products).

    The Indian Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Research (IJVASR) has been published since 1972, initially under the name 'Cheiron' until 2005, and later as the 'Tamil Nadu Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences'. In 2014, the journal adopted its current name to reflect its national relevance and improve visibility. In its current format, IJVASR now publishes review articles, peer-reviewed research articles, short communications, and case reports.

    NAAS Rating (2024): 4.11

  • Journal of the Inland Fisheries Society of India

    The Society regularly brings out a Journal named "The Inland Fisheries Society of India". The 1st Volume was published in December, 1969 and since then made a place among the top fishery journals in the country. The Journal publishes original research works, monographs, invited review articles and books on specialized subjects for exchange and dissemination of information in the country and abroad.

     The journal of Inland Fisheries Society of India welcomes original research contributions broadly in the field of inland fisheries science. The scope of the journal includes fisheries research on aspects related to inland waters-rivers, reservoirs, floodplain wetlands, estuaries and other brackish waters.

  • Journal of Indian Fisheries Association

    The Journal is published QUARTERLY, in March, June, September and December every year, by the Indian Fisheries Association hosted at ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai. The first issue was published in the year 1971. This NAAS rated and widely circulated Journal contains original contribution from eminent scholars in the field of fisheries, aquaculture and related subjects. Now, JIFA has a new Editorial Board and sports a fresh design and layout, delivers more and better content, and assures enhanced author and reader experience. 

  • The Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding

    The Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, the oldest and most prestigious registered society of practicing Geneticists and Plant Breeders from public and private institutions and the students pursuing Genetics and Plant Breeding disciplines, has vital role to play in fostering the progress of Science of Genetics and Plant Breeding in the country.
  • Journal of Ornamental Horticulture

    The  Journal of Ornamental Horticulture (ISSN 0972-0499, eISSN 2249-880X) is the peer-reviewed, official publication of the Indian Society of Ornamental Horticulture,  (ISOH) New Delhi publishing original research papers/ research notes/ research tools in the field of Ornamental Horticulture and allied fields since 2011. The Indian Society of Ornamental Horticulture, Division of Floriculture & Landscaping, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi is a registered professional society under the Society Registration Act XXI of 1860 Act 1957 as extended to the Union Territory of Delhi 

    NAAS rating (2024): 4.63

    NAAS Journal ID (2024): J433

  • Annals of Arid Zone

    The Annals of Arid Zone is totally devoted to dryland and arid zone research. The Journal accepts the original research and review articles covering diverse fields like dryland agriculture, crop management, soil-plant-water relationship, range ecology and management, solar energy utilization, desertification, rangelands, sand dunes, livestock, agroforestry, wind erosion, watershed management, biodiversity, integrated farming systems, climate change, hydrology, etc. publishes the findings of research relevant to dryland in general and arid zone in particular.
  • Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management

    The journal is the official research journal of the Indian Society of Animal Production and Management. It was started in the year 1986 to publish original research work in the area of livestock production management. The first issue was published in the year 1986 by the Department of Livestock Production and Management, Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana. Current frequency of the journal is Quarterly (4 issues per year). The Journal office is presently functioning from the Department of Livestock Production Management, Veterinary College, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

  • The Journal of Research, PJTSAU

    Formerly The Journal of Research, ANGRAU
    The Journal of Research, PJTSAU is being published in place of Journal of Research, ANGRAU since July, 2014 and the publication of The Journal of Research, PJTSAU is mere continuation of the earlier Journal.

  • Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition

    The journal is a forum for presenting peer reviewed articles on the basis and applied research. Submission addressing the new frontiers of the subject, including the rapidly emerging area of nutritional genomics, and interface topics as soil plant animal and ecosystem interrelationship and those may be relevant to developing and tropical regions are encouraged. Reviews of the most important specialized literature are also included
  • ORYZA-An International Journal of Rice

    ARRW publishes peer reviewed original research articles, short communications and review articles on all aspects of rice research, covering basic and applied work on crop improvement, crop management, crop protection and environmental security.

  • Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research

    The Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research (ISCAR) was established in the year 1982 and registered under the Certificate of Registration of Societies Act XXVI of 1961 with the registration no. S/40093 of 1982-83 dated 20.02.1983. Since 1983, the society has been publishing two issues of The Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research in a year, first issue in June and second issue in December. The journal has a current NAAS rating of 5.45 (2024).

    Editorial Board

    Subscription Information for Print Version

    Year of start: 1983 (Print version)

    2018 onwards - Both Print and Online

    Print ISSN: 0972-1584

    Online ISSN: 2584-0320

  • Journal of Sugarcane Research

    Journal of Sugarcane Research is a bi-annual periodical of the Society for Sugarcane Research and Development, located at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (India). The journal is being indexed by DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).
  • Indian Journal of Agroforestry

    The Indian Journal of Agroforestry is an official publication of the Indian Society of Agroforestry and publishes regularly twice a year since 1998.
  • International Journal of Seed Spices

    The International Journal of Seed Spices is published by the Indian Society for Seed Spices half yearly basis with the aim to provide an appropriate platform presenting well considered, meaningful, constructively thought provoking, non-political and non-controversial but critically analyzing and synthesizing present and future aspects of research on seed Spices and related commodity reference to our country and rest world. The contributors are expected to highlight various issues of irrigation, management, soil, agronomic practices, precision agriculture, breeding, post harvest, IPM, climate change along with meaningful suggestions for solution, refinement and innovations.

  • Journal of Soil and Water Conservation

    The Journal regularly publishes refereed research articles, reviews, research notes and short communications of high impact in basic and applied research, development and management issues on soil and water conservation as well as watershed management and policy aspects of agriculture and rural development. Comprehensive review articles in the area of soil and water conservation and management, case studies and success stories are also published in the Journal.

  • The Andhra Agricultural Journal

    The Andhra Agricultural Union was started in 1954 at Agricultural College, Bapatla.  A scientific Journal “The Andhra Agricultural Journal” is published by the Union since its inception to educate and encourage the agricultural science fraternity. It publishes original scientific work related to strategic and applied studies in all aspects of agricultural and allied sciences, as well as reviews of scientific topics of current agricultural relevance. In the beginning, it was a bimonthly journal and it was transformed into a Quarterly Journal from 1982 onwards and registered with the Registrar of News Papers of India as Quarterly under The Press and Registration of Books Act, 1860 with Registration No. 5751/57. The present NAAS rating of the Journal is 3.61.

  • Journal of Farm Sciences

    A free open access journal since 2007 and abstracted /indexed by CAB international and web of science (Clarivate Analytics). The journal has a NAAS rating of 4.42 since January 2017, with both print and online versions.
  • The Indian Veterinary Journal

    The Indian Veterinary Journal, popularly known as IVJ among veterinarians is a monthly periodical of international status devoted to the cause of updating knowledge of the of veterinarians with it’s research and clinical articles. It is a monthly journal with twelve issues in a year with ISSN (Print): 0019-6479; ISSN (online): 0974-9365. Website of this journal is  & The Journal publishes original work in veterinary medicine, animal health production, veterinary clinical subjects and allied disciplines such as Dairy development, livestock and poultry husbandry etc., The Journal is of particular importance to field veterinarians, veterinary faculty, veterinary practitioners, researchers, veterinarians from industry and Under graduate, Post graduate and doctoral students from universities of Veterinary & Animal Sciences.

    NAAS Rating (2024): 4.99

  • Indian Journal of Plant Protection

    The Plant Protection Association of India (PPAI)  publishes the Indian Journal of Plant Protection (IJPP). Four issues of the journal are published every year in March, June, September and December. The journal indexed / abstracted in Indian Citation Index, Bioscience, Chemical abstracts, Review of Applied Entomology, Review of Plant Pathology and other CAB abstracts and Agrindex of FAO. 

  • Journal of the Andaman Science Association

    Andaman Science Association has been publishing a journal called the Journal of the Andaman Science Association from 1985. It was also conducting national and international symposium at Port Blair. So far we have published 17 volumes with two issues during the period 1985 to 2000. In 2012 remaining volumes 18 to 20 with two issues were published. There is great demand of the journal in national and international institutions and is addressing particular niches were of island ecology and island agriculture having a multidisciplinary approach.

  • Agricultural Economics Research Review

    The Journal regularly publishes refereed research articles, reviews, research notes and communications of high impact in basic and applied research on economic and policy aspects of agriculture and rural development. Comprehensive review articles in the area of agricultural economics (including livestock, horticulture and fisheries), conference/symposia proceedings and book reviews are also published in the Journal. To encourage the young researchers, recent abstracts of M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses in agricultural economics and policy research are also published.
  • Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics

    The Society publishes an International Peer Reviewed Journal called Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics with ISSN 0019-6363. Three issues of the Journal (April, August and December) are published annually. The first volume of the Journal was released in 1948. The Journal devoted to the publication of original research papers on all aspects of Statistics and Computer Applications preferably with innovative applications in Agricultural Sciences or that have a potential application in Agricultural Sciences. The review articles of the topics of current interest are welcome. The Journal also accepts books, monographs and periodicals for review. Special issues on thematic areas of both national and international importance are also brought out.

  • Indian Journal of Poultry Science

    Established in 1965, Indian Journal of Poultry Science (IJPS), a leading peer-reviewed Indian journal in the field is an official publication of the Indian Poultry Science Association (IPSA), Izatnagar-243 122 (UP). The publication is aimed at providing access to academicians, researchers and industry professionals from across the globe to publish their work on all aspects of poultry science through research papers, short communications and review articles. The journal is published three times in a year as one volume in April, August, and December and circulated to IPSA members free of cost. Till date 58 volumes each with 3 issues have been published.

  • Seed Research

    Indian Society of Seed Technology, F-5, A Block NASC Complex, Dev Prakash Shastri Marg, New Delhi 110012 is a registered professional society under registration number 28898/73 since 1971. Seed Research is the Official publication of Indian Society of Seed Technology (ISST). It publishes original research papers in the field of 'Seed Research'. It is the scientific publication of the Indian Society of Seed Technology (ISST), which is brought out in two issues per year consisting of original papers and review articles in all areas of seed science and technology e.g. seed production, sampling, testing, enhancement, processing, physiology, entomology, pathology, storage, genetic conservation, habitat regeneration, seed business, plant variety protection, policy issues, etc. and allied fields since its inception from 1973.

  • Journal of Agricultural Physics

    The Journal of Animal Research, which is published half yearly in Print and Electronic form by New Delhi Publisher, accepts exceptionally exciting, novel and timely communications presenting new and original research work for publication keeping in mind the all round welfare of domestic animals including poultry, companion animals, wild animals and experimental models in lab animals. The task of the Journal is to attract the papers on original research articles, short communication and peer reviewed articles from an individuals and organizations of International repute dedicated to animal science, and veterinary science and education. Articles published in the Journal of Animal Research cover a broad range of explorative topics in all subjects of veterinary and animal sciences including animal production, reproduction, growth and Health aspects of domestic animals. This includes veterinary medicine, veterinary surgery, veterinary gynaecology and obstetrics, animal genetics and breeding, animal nutrition, veterinary physiology and biochemistry, veterinary parasitology, veterinary microbiology, veterinary pathology, veterinary pharmacology and toxicology, livestock product and technology, livestock production and management, veterinary public health and hygiene, veterinary anatomy, poultry science, laboratory animals and wild animals. The journal is also focused on research and management of laboratory animals (e.g. rat, mice, rabbit, guinea pig etc.) and wild animals. However, basic types of papers and notes which relate to investigations in a narrow specialized branch of a discipline may not form an appropriate material for this journal. The Journal of Animal Research will publish the reviews, short communication and proceedings of symposia of National and International relevance subject to the final decision of Editor in Chief. National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS) Rating 2024: 4.78

  • Indian Journal of Nematology

    Indian Journal of Nematology is published by the Nematological Society of India (, which is located at the Division of Nematology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (I.A.R.I.), New Delhi-110012. It has been continuously published since 1971 and is a bi-annual (June and December) publication of the Society. 

    All the published issues are available at

    So far 53 volumes have been completed, and volume 54 (1) June issue has been published, 54(2) December 2024 is in progress. The IJN special issue published in March 2024  is kept as open access (OA)  at the NSI website: 

    National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating - 5.07,  Citescore - 0.2; SJR - Q4 and SNIP - 0.1

    IJN, a UGC-approved Journal, is abstracted in Nematological Abstracts, USDA PubAG, Veterinary Science Database, Chemical Abstracts, Google Scholar, Scopus, Index of Copernicus, ASCII, etc.


  • Journal of Oilseed Brassica

    The Journal of Oilseed Brassica (JOB) is a multidisciplinary an international journal published by Society for Rapeseed-Mustard Research (SRMR). Journal of Oilseed Brassica (JOB) aims to publish original research results, reviews and policy papers written by researchers, experts as well as practitioners, concerned with all aspects of brassicas in general and rapeseed-mustard in particular. The journal is designed mainly to serve researchers, students, academicians and policy makers, by supplying updated information on various aspects of rapeseed-mustard research. The journal is published 2 times (January and July) every year with distribution to librarians, universities, research centers and researchers in biology and agriculture science. So far, since 2010, the journal has published 15 volume without any break with the constant guidance of honorary members of society, and unstinted efforts of the editorial boards of the journal. The journal maintains strict editorial policies, only the articles consist of novelty, in-depth review or excellent scientific contribution in fields of rapeseed-mustard can be published in the Journal. The journal has the NAAS rating 4.78 and is included in  list of UGC CARE approved Journals. The journal is published in both print and online versions. 

  • Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development

    The Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development is a multi-discipline peer reviewed journal and papers are reviewed by one reviewer from the identified panel of reviewers. The reviewers have been identified based on their significant contribution to their discipline.
  • Current Horticulture

    Since its establishment in 2013, 'Current Horticulture' has been a cornerstone publication in the field of horticultural science. Published by the Society for Horticultural Research and Development, the journal has played a pivotal role in advancing knowledge and fostering collaboration within the horticultural community. With its inaugural issue marking the beginning of a journey towards excellence, 'Current Horticulture' has consistently upheld a commitment to quality and innovation. Over the years, the journal has evolved into a platform where researchers, scientists, academicians, and stakeholders converge to share their latest findings, insights, and advancements in various facets of horticulture. From plant cultivation techniques to breeding methodologies, from genetics to pest management strategies, each issue of 'Current Horticulture' showcases a diverse array of articles that 

    contribute to the collective understanding of horticultural practices. Its publication schedule, releasing three issues annually in April, August, and December, ensures a steady flow of cutting-edge research to the global horticultural community. Through its dedication to excellence, 'Current Horticulture' has earned recognition as a leading publication in the field, driving innovations and shaping the future of horticultural research and development.

    The journey of 'Current Horticulture' since its inception in 2013 exemplifies a commitment to scholarly excellence and advancement in horticultural science. As a publication of the Society for Horticultural Research and Development, the journal has served as a beacon of knowledge dissemination, providing a platform for researchers and practitioners to share their insights and discoveries. With its inaugural issue, the journal embarked on a mission to elevate the discourse surrounding horticulture, covering a wide range of topics including plant cultivation, breeding, genetics, pest management, and post-harvest technology. The triannual publication schedule, releasing issues in April, August, and December, ensures a regular influx of cutting-edge research from around the globe. 'Current Horticulture' has become synonymous with quality and rigor, attracting submissions from esteemed scholars and experts in the field.

  • Annals of Plant Protection Sciences

    Annals of Plant Protection Sciences is a Journal published by Society of Plant Protection Sciences, India. This journal publishes papers from all Plant Protection Sciences including Entomology, Plant Pathology, Nematology, Weed Sciences and Agro Chemicals, residues, rodents, white grubs etc. The journal is published thrice a year.
  • Indian Phytopathology

    Indian Phytopathology a leading plant pathology research journal deals with the disciplines of Mycology, Fungal Pathology, Bacteriology, Virology, Phytopathology and Nematology. The journal is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December. The society has published the journal for over 69 years. The journal has national as well as global reach.

    ISSN : 0367-973X (Print version)

    ISSN : 2248-9800 (Electronic version )

    Abstracting/Indexed in:

    CAB Abstracts, Indian Science Abstracts, RUNNERS, Indian Citation Index (ICI), Google Scholar, AGRIS (International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology),Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), AGRICOLA, Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ), WorldCat, PASCAL database, RefDoc

    Indian Phytopathology offers online first publication upon acceptance

    Indian Phytopathology has instituted a feature called Online First Look. Within a few days of acceptance, papers by authors who choose to participate will be posted online. The papers have been peer reviewed and then revised as necessary by the authors but have not been copyedited, formatted, or assigned to an issue.

    The date on which each paper is posted is considered the publication date. This paper has been peer reviewed and accepted for publication but has not yet been copyedited or proofread. The final published version may differ

    Editorial Board

  • ISVIB Journal Veterinary Immunology & Biotechnology

    ISVIB Journal Veterinary Immunology & Biotechnology (VIB) is the official publication of Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology & Biotechnology (ISVIB).
  • Tobacco Research

    The Tobacco Research journal publishes papers concerned with the advancement of research in tobacco throughout the world. It publishes original scientific work related to strategic and applied studies in all aspects of tobacco as well as reviews of scientific topics of current tobacco relevance.

  • Journal of Agricultural Extension Management

    The Journal of Agricultural Extension Management (JAEM) disseminates information relating to extension systems and practices, research on extension, efficient organization of technology transfer and other socio-economic issues concerning agriculture and allied areas. Papers on original research in the field of agricultural extension and allied sectors, covering new developments, concepts and their application in effective extension work are accepted for publication.